We love, we dream, we work and we live our lives apart, every day. The land we call home might be an exotic, mysterious, far away place for the rest of the world. This world we call home is actually many worlds, many different lands and people.
We were far apart in our own worlds, living our far apart lives, when those worlds came crashing down.
In what seemed to be one instant, all over our worlds, the very little, very normal, very inconsequential things we did every day became fond memories from a different time. Doing the groceries, seeing friends, having a cup of coffee.
All around us the talk was of danger, of contagion, of death. Work and play, day and night, became very different. Our lives seemed to have stopped, and planning for a future became a nearly impossible task.
But from this came a new vision: our neighbor just may be somebody from the other side of the world. Somebody who is not even in the same continent as we are. Our neighbor is any person, any creative, any artist, anyone worried as we are, anyone scared as we are, anyone hopeful as we are. Our neighbor may be in a different world, but our realities are the same. We share an era, we share a moment in history that will forever change society.
So geography became very different: Italy, Korea, Mexico, New York, came to mean «people», “dreams”, “emotion”, «distress», «joy», «creation», «labor», «soul», «workshop».
All over the world, all over our own little worlds, artists reached out. Makers reached out. Those who do. Those who love to do. Those who love.
For this project, designers and artists in Korea, Mexico and Italy shared a timeline, a flow of ideas and a sense of uncertainty.
Out of many different worlds we made a world where we could create and make. Where mind, spirit and tool became one. Worlds apart, we worked together. We made beauty with our hope, our loss, our fear, our joy. Worlds apart, we are neighbors. We are people. We dream up worlds together, and together we make them. Worlds apart, fire, metal and soul became one.